Our dance for February is “Do It All Again” choreographed by Gary O’Reilly & Maggie Gallagher. The music is “Do It All Again” by Guilty Pleasure, Enisa & Faydee. Kathy W will teach the improver dance (32 ct – 4 wall) during club dance sessions on February 3 & 4 (Monday & Tuesday, respectively). The workshop on Friday (February 7) will also have a teach on the dance. A step sheet can be printed from the link below or found at the gvrlinedancers.org website under Current Dances. Please join us for a dance with a great message. Be sure to check out the demo & teach before the Club teach.
Step Sheet for Do It All Again
Demo & Teach of In Walked You
“Oh Me Oh My Oh” will retire on February 1. As the Club adds a new dance the oldest dance is retired (this keeps the Club dance list at 52 dances). A list of dances from most recent to oldest is found on the website under Members – Current Dances.